Stone Mountain Treasure Hunters Metal Detecting Club of Atlanta, Georgia.

Stone Mountain Treasure Hunters 2010 Seeded Coin Hunt

The SMTH 2010 Seeded Coin Hunt was held on Saturday, November 13th, 2010. Our Fall had been un-seasonably warm and we had a beautiful day for the hunt. Many members met at Kelly’s restaurant in Loganville for breakfast prior to the hunt.

Over $1000 of silver coins, “war” nickels, and wheat pennies were planted along with may tokens redeemable for prizes supplied by sponsoring metal detector companies, metal detector dealers, and items contributed by SMTH club members.

Sign-up began at 8:30AM. The charge for the hunt was $15 and your club dues had to be paid by September 30th, 2010. The detecting fields were laid out and marked. Coins and tokens were buried at shallow depths for easy recovery.

We had a “special” small warm-up hunt for our new members to instruct them on the best hunting methods and target recovery. The first hunt warm-up hunt was at 10 AM. This was the “Nickel-Mania” hunt; “war” nickels were the targets here. The second hunt was at 10:30 AM. This was the “Gotta be as Lucky as John Dyer hunt”. We all started hunting in the first field.

There were 10 specially marked tokens and other targets. Only the people with the special tokens got to transfer to the next hunt. If you found more than one token, you could give it to anyone you choose or keep it. In the next field, there will only be 5 tokens for transfer. These were deep so slow down.

For the final hunt, there was only 1 target for a nice prize. All other finalists received a silver half.

The third Main Hunt started at Noon to 1PM. We had lots of silver coins. We also put lots of numbered tokens for exchange toward some nice prizes. We had Wheat pennies, dimes, quarters, war nickels and some halves.

At 1PM, the tokens were exchanged for prizes. We had a nice assortment of donated prizes, please check out supporting companies and dealer link on our main homepage. Please support them when making your future MDing equipment purchases.

From 1:30 – 2PM the field was cleaned up.

Hulan Knight was the winner of the Kellyco trophy for finding the most targets, 128 coins with tokens.

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Stone Mountain Treasure Hunters 2010