Stone Mountain Treasure Hunters Metal Detecting Club of Atlanta, Georgia.

2011 Monthly Finds


January...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Bill Robertson
Coins Bill Robertson
Jewelry Tie: Robert Powell
      Bobby Thomas
Relics Clinton Bryan
Find of the Month Clinton Bryan

February...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Bill Robertson
Coins Mel Parker
Jewelry Mel Parker
Relics Jeff Herke
Find of the Month Jeff Herke

March...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Tie: Bill Robertson
       Mark Whipkey
Coins Robert Powell
Jewelry Tie: Bill Robertson
      Bobby Thomas
Relics No entries.  
Find of the Month Bill Robertson

April...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Steve Wilson
Coins Robert Powell
Jewelry Robert Powell
Relics Doug Rouner
Find of the Month Robert Powell
May...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Bill Robertson
Coins Bobby Thomas
Jewelry Bobby Thomas
Relics No Entries  
Find of the Month Bobby Thomas

June...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Mark Whipkey
Coins Bobby Thomas
Jewelry Mark Whipkey
Relics No Entries  
Find of the Month Mark Whipkey

July...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Bill Robertson
Coins (Tie) Mark Whipkey
Robert Powell
Jewelry Robert Powell
Relics Jeff Herke
Find of the Month Robert Powell

August...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Jeff Herke
Coins Jimmy Britt
Jewelry Bill Robertson
Relics Mark Whipkey
Find of the Month Mel Parker

September...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Bill Robertson
Coins Jeff Herke
Jewelry Mel Parker
Relics Michael Holliday
Find of the Month (Tie) Tom Spillers & Mel Parker

October...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Clinton Bryan
Coins Jeff Herke
Jewelry Mark Whipkey
Relics Jeff Herke
Find of the Month (Tie) Jeff Herke & Mark Whipkey

September...And the Winners are:
Category Name Picture
Artifacts Bill Robertson
Coins Jeff Herke
Jewelry Rob Pech
Relics Jeff Herke
Find of the Month Rob Pech


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Stone Mountain Treasure Hunters 2010