Stone Mountain Treasure Hunters Point System as of 08/01/2009
Download the Point
System in PDF (55.7kb)
You must fill out a Find of The Month form for each month and
indicate the points you have accumulated or should receive for each
month. The form should be presented to the Vice President at the
clubs monthly meeting. Points will not be awarded to a member
without the supporting paperwork.
1. SPONSOR A CLUB HUNT (10 POINTS). In order to receive the
points, you would be required to act as chairman of a completed
treasure hunt sponsored by the Stone Mountain Treasure Hunters.
2. SPONSOR A GUEST SPEAKER (5 POINTS). This responsibility
would include finding the speaker and scheduling the date by calling
the Program Chairman for an open date. Then confirm that date with
the speaker as well as the Program Chairman. You must get details on
the speakers background for the newsletter and introduce the
speaker at the club meeting.
3. GIVE A PROGRAM YOURSELF (5 POINTS). This presentation
would have to be set up in advance by calling the Program Chairman
for an open date and approved as part of the agenda for a given
4. ATTENDANCE (5 POINTS). You must be present for the
business meeting as well as the entertainment segment of the
5. BRING A GUEST (2 POINTS). This is for first-time guest
only and applies to the visiting family; i.e., if Mr. And Ms. Bob
Jones attends a meeting as your guest, you will receive 2 points.
The Club Contact person will not receive any points for guest
visiting or joining the club as a result of a person contacting them
for club information.
points, your guest(s) would have to pay membership dues either the
night of the meeting or at or before the next meeting. Again, these
points are per family.
7. ASSIST WITH A CLUB ACTIVITY (club hunt, off-site club
presentation, club flea market, etc
) (10 POINTS).
Vice-President, Treasurer, Program Chairman, Club Contact Person,
Web Master, and Newsletter Editor.
RELICS Defined as identifiable collectable items at least
100 years old, not to include printed matter, bottles, or Indian
COINS Defined as coins either American or foreign, not to
include tokens.
JEWELRY Defined as gold, silver, or platinum jewelry, not
costume jewelry. This may include broken sterling pieces, chains,
watchcases, etc.
ARTIFACTS Defined as Indian artifacts, toys, tools,
personal accessories, tokens, costume jewelry, or anything not
included in the previous three find category descriptions.
FIND OF THE MONTH Only one item from any of the four
categories above can be entered. The item can be returned to its
regular category after FOTM voting is complete.
You will receive 4 points for each of the four categories
(Artifacts, Coins, Jewelry, and Relics) entered, no points are
awarded for the Best Find of The Month category since items
entered would fall into one of the previously mentioned categories.
You may enter as many categories as you have finds.
A. You must have personally found all items you submit. You
cannot submit an item that was given to you or that someone else
B. All finds entered must have been found since the last
scheduled meeting. (Only the months of December and January may
finds be combined, since we do not meet in December).
C. Individual finds may be entered in only one category. You be
the judge. Once a find has been entered in a specific category, you
may not switch to another category.
D. You must personally submit entries at each meeting. A friend
or family member cannot represent you or submit finds for you.
E. You may display any number of candidates (finds) in any of
the four categories (Artifacts, Coins, Jewelry, and Relics) you
are only limited to a single item for the Best Find of The Month
category. A category is the same as an assortment or collection.
(Changed 08-01-2009) The Find of The Month or Year entry can be a
cache or hoard of items found in one hole as this is considered one
10. FIND OF THE MONTH WINNERS (5 points per category). You
are eligible for Find of The Month winner in each category by
entering your finds in that category. You should have some
background information available to explain why it is your best
find. As of 07/13, category winners will receive a silver dime for
each category. In event of a tie, both members will receive a silver
dime. The Find of The Month winner will receive a silver quarter.
11. FIND OF THE YEAR (5 points). In order to stimulate
interest in entering the Find of The Year Contest, you will also be
awarded 5 points for submitting one or more candidates (finds) in
this contest. You will receive the 5 points whether you enter one,
two, three or four candidates (finds) NOT 5 POINTS FOR EACH ENTRY
the purpose of this change is to get a greater variety of items on
display for the benefit of those in attendance.
12. FIND OF THE YEAR WINNER (25 POINTS). You may enter one
candidate (find) in each of the four categories. Your entries must
have been found in the previous 12 months and they need not have won
for the respective months contest. As of 08/01/07, the winner will
receive a silver round. In event of a tie, both members will receive
a silver round and 25 points.
13. THE TOP TEN IN POINTS Coin prizes are no longer given for
the top ten hunters in points. As of 2012, places 1 - 10 will either
receive a check or cash, $0.15 per point.
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